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  What have the Chinese been up to? Google Earth reveals more strange patterns in the Chinese desert but you need to look pretty closely

  Google Earth has revealed yet more strange patterns in the deserts of central China, but this time the researcher who found them thinks she knows why they're there.

  Last year MailOnline reported how a satellite spotted strange grid-like structures in the Gobi desert, a discovery which sparked a wave of fearful speculation as their purpose.

  Now Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, an assistant professor of physics at the Politecnico di Torino in Italy, highlighted another mysterious pattern in the Taklamakan desert in western China.

  Enigma: The mysterious grids in the Taklamakan desert in western China, which were discovered by an Italian academic using Google Earth

  She has been a pioneer of a kind of armchair archaeology using Google Earth in conjunction with open-source image processing software to track down curious structures in remote parts of the world.





  去年每日邮报报道了卫星是如何在戈壁沙漠发现了奇怪的网状结构,这是一个引起了一波有关其目的的可怕猜测的发现 。

  现在Amelia Carolina Sparavigna,一个来自意大利都灵理工大学的物理学助理教授,照亮了另一个中国西部塔克拉玛干沙漠中的神秘图案。